joi, 31 martie 2011

MOIECIU 2- 3 APRILIE 2011 (antrenament-training)

Sambata dimineata plecam in recunoasterea marathonului.
Cu parere de rau,duminica eu,Radu si Daniel vom lipsi de la concursul de orientare sportiva din Plopeni.
Sambata  vrem sa mergem pe tura 1 si 2 iar duminica pe tura 3.
Cu noi "povesti" luni :p

On Saturday morning we leave in recognition of the marathon. Regretfully, Sunday, me, Radu and Daniel will miss from the orienteering contest from Plopeni. On Saturday we want to go on 1 and 2 shifts and on Sunday we on shift 3. I'll come with new "stories" on monday :p

miercuri, 30 martie 2011

AMINTIRI :p 9-10. X . 2004 MEMORIES :p 9-10.X.2004

La Izvoru Muresului ne-am strans in camera la Radu Milea si Tuncu Florin sa vizionam meciul Romaniei...
Stand de vorba cu Simi ne-am amintit de un concurs din 2004...

At Izvoru Muresului we have gathered up in Radu Milea and Tuncu Florin's room to watch the Romania's match...
Talking with Simi, we have remembered about a contest from 2004.

Am povestit de "party-ul" organizat de noi :D era pacat sa nu scriu despre asta.
Cat timp s-a scurs din 2004 pana in imi amintesc de parca a fost ieri...imi amintesc ca am inceput cu un foc de tabara,la foc eram foarte multi printre care si Anca Cicel,Anca Chira,Judit,Hajni...cemai era toata gasca doamnei Gabi Iosub.

We have told the story about "the party" organized by us.:D. It was a shame not to write about this.
How much time elapsed since 2004 until now... and I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember that we started with a campfire. At the fire we were so many, including Anca Cicel, Anca Chira, Judit, Hajni... it was all Mrs. Gabi Iosub's gang.

Eu cu Simi si Klaus C. (si cu o brigada de fete dupa noi ) am plecat de la focul de tabara ca aveam ceva special de facut :P (aveam o lada de bere si parca vro 2 sticle de dodka).Va dati seama ca nu puteam sta la foc ca eram pre  mici si 1 nu ne lasa ai mai mari:d si 2 riscam sa nu ne saturam :)).
Ne-am lasat condusi de Simi spre-o poiana din zona unde ne-am apucat de treaba :)))
Cu siguranta asteptati sa va spun ce sa intamplat si dupa....dar nu o fac ca se lasa greu =))

Me, Simi and Klaus C. ( ANd with a girls brigade after us) left the campfire because we had something special to do :P. ( we had a beer box and about two bottles of vodka). You know that we couldn't stay at the fire because we were too small and 1. the big ones didn't let us to stay and 2.we risked to not get enough.
We left Simi to led us to a glade from that area where we started the work :))
Definitely you wait from me to tell you what happened after, but I won't do this 'cause it keeps hard.=))

Eu si prietenul meu dupa PARTY .
Me and my friend after the party.
Tired... :P

duminică, 27 martie 2011


Cu ce sa incepem?multa dezamagire....
Prefer sa incep cu asa zisul "sprint"...un traseu desfasurat in mare parte in curtea centrului national sportiv "Izvoru Muresului" ...Frumos, nimic de spus,ce m-a surprins si nu mi-a "priit" a fost primul post care m-a derutat (daca eram putin atent nu ajungeam sa gresesc asa mult), dar nu asta era ideea.Ideea este ca s-au pornit cu bucle din primul mai vreau sa comentez ca ma agit fara rost...
O harta frumoasa(am inteles ca baza acestei harti a fost ridicata de catre Suciu Simion), un traseu care necesita foarte multa concentrare.(ceea ce mie mi-a lipsit)
Din cauza greselii din primul post psihicul meu a fost daramat,fara sa am vreo explicatie, am sarit postul cu numarul 10 si am mai avut o greseala in postul 9:in loc sa plec in partea stanga spre postul cu nr 10, am plecat in partea dreapta si o mica ezitare la iesirea din postul 16.
Prea mult suflet nu am pus la aceasta proba din 2 motive:
Nu cred ca era potrivit acest sprint in momentul de fata, majoritatea sportivilor d-abia terminand pregatirea de iarna care este bazata pe volum...
Si sa spunem ca pregatirea mea la sprint este slaba si eu am fost "daramat" de bucla care pornea din postul 1...ok, dar am vazut un numar foarte mare de sportivi BLOCATI in acest post de control.
In general consultand spliturile sunt oarecum multumit pe restul variantelor....

Where to start? There was so much disappointment...
I prefer to start with so- called "sprint"... A route mostly held in in the courtyard of the National Sports Center "Izvoru Mures". Nice, nothing to say, but what surprised me and it wasn't for "my own good" was the first post wich confused me (If I had been a little more careful, If I had been a little more careful, i hadn't do those mistakes), but this wasn't the idea. The idea is that it started with the loops from the first post... I don't want to comment more, 'cause I'm "shaking" myself for nothing.
It was a nice map (I understood that this map was built by Suciu Simion), a route that requires a lot of concentration (which missed at me). Because of the mistake made at the first post, my psyhic has been destroyed; without an explanation, I skipped the post No. 10 and I had another mistake at the post No. 9: instead of going to the left to the post No. 10, I went to the right and I had a little hesitation at the exit on the post No. 16.
I didn't put too much soul at this attempt for two reasons:
I don't think that this sprint was proper in this moment. Most of athletes had just finished the winter training which is based on the volume.
Let's say that my sprint training is bad and that I was "destroyed" by the loop that started from the first post... okay, but I saw a large number of athletes BLOCKED at this post. Generally, consulting the splits I am somehow satisfied with the rest of the variants.


Dupa sprint am participat la adunarea generala F.R.O. delegat de catre domnul doctor Olteanu Emil(presedintele clubului la care activez A.C.S.Sanatatea Ploiesti) La aces aspect vreau sa spun ca am ramas cu un gust amar...
Azi a urmat si norma de control.
A fost o tura de 2 km cu o urcare, plat si coborare.Greseala care m-a durut cel mai tare a fost montarea a 2 posturi de control cu acelasi cod. Este vorba de postul cu codul 38. Este inadmisibil sa montezi un post un varful dealului si unul cu acelasi cod la 40 de metri in stanga si ATENTIE ERA MAI JOS CU O CURBA DE NIVEL(5 METRI) SI DUREREA ESTE CA NU ERA OBLIGATORIU SA ATINGI AMBELE POSTURI CU TOATE CA, CATRE CEL DIN VARF ERA MARCAJ OBLIGATORIU CU BANDA!!!
Eu baiat bun am urcat la cel de sus si altii au mers direct la cel de jos.La aceasta "combinatie" unii au castigat chiar si un minut pe tura.
Daca montarea a 2 statii era pentru evitarea aglomeratiei trebuiau montate la 2...3 metri domnilor. nu la 40 m.Aceeasi problema si la postul 39.
EU AM OBSERVAT CA ACEASTA CHESTIE A FOST  FACUTA INTETIONAT PENTRU A AVANTAJA PE CINEVA.CUM ATI STIUT SA MONTATI LA O DISTANTA  DE 3 ... 4 METRI POSTURILE CU CODUL 40 ASA PUTEATI MONTA SI 38 SI 39(dupa 39 trebuia montat in coltul drumului un alt post de control... si acolo taia fiecare cum vroia...)
Asa se lucreaza in Romania.........
Ma declar multumit de rezultatul obtinut la aceasta proba...

After the sprint, I attended to the General Meeting FRO delegated by Mr. Doctor Olteanu Emil (the president of the club where I act A.C.S. Sanatatea Ploiesti)
At this point, I want to say I left with a bitter taste ...
Today followed the control rule.
It was a shift of 2 km with a climb, flat and a coming down. The mistake which hurted me the most was the setting of two post with the same code. I talk about the post with the code 38. It is unacceptable to mount a post on the top of a hill and another one with the same code at a 40 m distance to left and ATTENTION THE POST WAS BELOw WITH A LEVEL CURVE (5 METERS) AND THE PAIN IS THAT IT WASN'T REQUIRED TO TOUCH THAT BOTH POSTS, ALTHOUGH THE POST FROM THE TOP WAS COMPULSORY MARKING WITH RIBBON!!!
Me, as good boy, I climbed on the top and the others went directly to the bottom post. From this "combination", some of us have won even a minute on a shift.
If the setting of two stations was to avoid the congestion, its had to be set at 2... 3 meters, not at 40 m. The same problem at the post No. 39.
I noticed that this thing was intentionally made to benefit someone. As you knew how to mount the posts with the code 40 at a 3...4 m distance, in the same mode you could mount the 38 and 39( after 39 you must have mounted in the corner of the road another post...and there each cut as he wanted.
In this way is working in Romania...
I'm pleased with the result obtained at this attempt ...

Munca din aceasta iarna a dat roade.Un rezultat cu mult imbunatatit comparativ cu cel din 2010.
Obiectiv indeplinit!!! (Daniel stie)  :))
Pentru asta trebuie sa le multumesc si prietenilor mei alaturi de care m-am pregatit : Daniel Stroescu si Radu Milea.
Si imi doresc din inima sa continui alaturi de ei pregatirea.

The work from this winter has paid off.
A much improved result compared twith the result from 2010.
Goal accomplished!!! (Daniel knows):))
For this I have to thank to my friends with whom I trained: Daniel Stroescu and Radu Milea.
And I wish to continue the training with them.

Mai sus am atasat harta GPS cu tura alergata.
Sa nu uitam ca la Izvoru Mures m-am deplasat alaturi de Gabi Sabou,Irina Maiorescu si Stefan (Junioru) :d

Above I have attached the GPS map with the tour that I made.
Don't forget that at Izvoru Mures I was with Gabi Sabou , Irina Maiorescu and Stefan (The Junior):D
Thank you!



miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Antrenament la Seciu cu Gabi Sabou.

Dupa traseul de duminica am decis cu Gabi sa dam o fuga in padurea de la Seciu sa facem traseul de duminica.Pe drum am schimbat planul :) am decis sa facem niste bucle folosind posturile din traseul de duminica.

After Sunday's route, me and Gaby decided to go in Seciu forest to do that route. On our way we changed the plan. We decided to do some loops using the posts from Sunday's route.

Am decis sa alergam impreuna pe bucle,alergad pe rand pe variante.
Tinand cont ca este un antrenament am alergat mai incet si mai atent.Am avut doua greseli,prima la postul numarul 2 din bucla din stanga si a 2a la postul 4 ...

We decided to run together on the loops,running each in turn on variants. Considering that this is a training, I ran slower and more careful. I had two mistakes: first on post number 2 from the left loop and the second on post number 4...

In rest totul a decurs normal.
Un ultim antrenament pe diferenta de nivel inainte de norma de control de la Izvoru Mures.

Otherwise, everything was normal.
A final training on level differences before the control rule from Izvoru Mures.


duminică, 20 martie 2011

Cupa Sanatatea de primavara. SECIU "IN MEMORIAM"

Cu ce sa incep? :)
Prefer cu demontarea traseului ...  (am demomtat fara sa gresesc)   :))
Dupa cum imi imaginam....un traseu tehnic,o harta grea ...
Am inceput acest traseu cu o greseala din primul post si asa am continuat.... greseala ,greseala post....traseul avand o lungime de 7 km,eu am alergat 12 km.Nu imi pot da seama ce sa intamplat,de ce nu m-am putut concentra...
Dupa sosirea din traseu am baut un ceai cald si mi-am bagat in buzunar un baton de ciocolata si niste napolitane si am plecat la demontarea posturilor 3,6,7,8 din traseul meu.

Where to start? :)
I prefer with the disassembling of the route (I disassembled the route without mistakes):))
As I imagined, a technically route, a difficult map ...
I started this route with a mistake from the first post and continued in this way... mistake, post mistake...the route had a lenght of 7 km, I ran 12 km. I don't know what happened, why I couldn't concentrate...
After the arrival from the route I drank hot tea and I put a chocolate bar and some wafers in my pocket and I went to disassemble the posts 3,6,7,8 on my route.

Dupa demontarea postului 3 am plecat sa demontez postul 7,esiind din valea in care era amplasat postul 3 m-am intalnit cu un vanator,se plimba linistit cu pusca pe umar dar avea o nelamurire :)) nu stia ce se intampla in padure si ce sunt "alea" din mana mea.
Am stat cu "nea"vanatoru la povesti vreo 5 minute,dupa care mi-am continuat drumul spre demontarea posturilor 7,8 si 6.
In link-ul de mai jos veti gasi poze de la premiere,start si cateva de la demontarea celor 4 posturi de control de la M21.

After disassembling the post 3, I went to disassemble the post 7. Coming out from the valley in wich the post 3 was located, I met a hunter, he was walking calmly with the rifle on his shoulder, but something was unclear for him: he didn't knew what happened in the forest and what are "these" from my hand?
I stayed to talk with the hunter for about 5 minutes, then I continued my way towards disassembling the posts 7, 8 and 6.
In the link below you will find pictures from the ceremony, from the start and some pictures from the disassembling of the four posts at M21.
Premiere M21:Daniel Stroescu,Stupu Petru,Plamadeala Dumitru.

<<PHOTO>> Poze "IN MEMORIAM"  <<CLICK>>(photo A.Pasol,G.Neagu,D.Dorel,F.Tuncu & A.Ungureanu)

sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011

Asa a zis :))

Mai jos voi posta cateva fragmente din timpii obtinuti la antrenamentele din aceasta saptamana   :p

I'll post some excerpts below from the times obtained at the training from this week. :p

Maine ma asteapta o zi grea,o harta tehnica si un traseu de 7 km cu o diferenta de nivel de 280m.
Din punct de vedere fizic nu cred ca vor fi probleme,sa vedem ce imi rezerva partea tehnica :p  (va povestesc maine)

Tomorrow , expects me a tough day, a technical map and a  7 km route with a level difference of 280m.
Physically, I don't think there will be problems, let's see what the technical part  reservs me (I'll tell you tomorrow)

vineri, 18 martie 2011

Tineretului (park & stadium)

Antrenamentele din aceasta saptamana s-au desfasurat in parcul Tineretului si in incinta stadionului Tineretului.
Pista fiindu-mi necesara pentru "bucatile" de 1 km...

The trainings were held in Youth Park and inside the stadium.
The track was needed for "pieces" of 1 km ..

O  poza dupa terminarea antrenamentului   :p
  A photo after finishing the training.   :p

 Antrenamentele din parcul tineretului fiindu-mi necesare pentru diferenta de nivel!
    The training from Youth park was needed for level differences.

duminică, 13 martie 2011

Codrii Vlasiei.

O superba zi,insorita cu multa lume si o concurenta foarte mare la M21.
Un traseu bazat mai mult pe partea fizica si foarte placut.
 Am atins posturile de control in 27 de min si 36 de sec.Se putea mult mai bine daca alegeam o varianta  mai buna spre postul 7 si mergeam mai atent in 4 si 5...
It was a wonderful sunny day, a lot of people and a great competition at M21.
A route based more on the physical part and very pleasant.
I reached all the check points in 27 minutes and 36 seconds. It could have been better if I chose a better alternative to the post 7 and went more carefully on 4 and 5.

Multumiri domnului doctor Nicolae Stroescu!
Thanks to Mr. Doctor Nicolae Stroescu!


miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Antrenament in Tineretului. Training in Tineretului

O zi superba,numai buna pentru alergare.O alergare in jurul lacului si cu o bucata de deal excelenta.
A wonderful day, only good for running. A running around the lake and with an excellent portion of hill.
Si o grafica a fiecarui km...
And a graphic of each km...

                                                    09.02-09.03     412 km alergati.
                                                        09.02-09.03     412 km of running.

59 de zile. 59 days.

A inceput numaratoare inversa.
Mai sunt 59 de zile pana la "ECO MARATHONUL" DIN Moieciu,timpul se scurge rapid,au mai ramas 50 de zile de pregatire intensa.
Pentru acest maraton am un obiectiv:
-terminarea traseului in max 5h 30 min-
Sper sa reusesc :)
The countdown has started! 59 days until the "ECO MARATHON" from Moeciu. The time is passing fast, 50 days of intesive training remained.
For this marathon i have a goal:
- to finish the route in maximum 5 hours 30minutes.
I hope to reach it.

Despre mine. About me.

Am ales sa postez deoarece nu incape in profil...
In anul 2000 am fost contamitat cu virusul "orientare sportiva",legitimat la clubul sportiv "TEXTILA DACIA" avandu-l antrenor pe domnul Barbu Ion. Intre timp domnul Barbu ION <<Mister>> muta intregul lot la clubul sportiv Otopeni, bineinteles tot sub conducerea dumnealui.
O perioada superba petrecuta in acel club avandu-i colegi pe Bunea Florin,Tuncu Florin,Tuncu Maria,Petrisor Sabina,Nenciu Ioana,Nenciu Liana,Maxim Mihaela,Tudoran Andreea si Manea Cristina.
In anul 2005 m-am retras din orientarea sportiva...
Neputand sta departe de acest minunat sport, in anul 2009 revin in orientare,mi-am facut aparitia la campionatul national de semimaraton alergand la categoria OPEN TEHNIC. In acel an m-am legitimat la clubul sportiv Metropolitan Bucuresti avandu-l antrenor pe domnul Miclea Viorel.La acest club am activat din luna Mai a anului 2009 pana in August 2010.
In prezent sunt legitimat la A.C.S. "Sanatatea" Ploiesti avandu-l antrenor pe domnul doctor Olteanu Emil.
Tin sa multumesc domnului Barbu Ion ca mi-a "injectat" acest virus,domnului Miclea Viorel ca m-a ajutat sa revin in orientare si domnului doctor Olteanu Emil ca ma sustine in continuare in acest sport.
In 2000 I was contaminated with "orienteering" virus, legitimated at sport club "TEXTILA DACIA", having Mr. Barbu Ion as coach. Meanwhile, Mr. Barbu Ion <<Mister>> moved the entire group, at sport club Otopeni, of course still under his leadership.
I spent wonderful moments at that club having Bunea Florin,Tuncu Florin,Tuncu Maria,Petrisor Sabina,Nenciu Ioana,Nenciu Liana,Maxim Mihaela,Tudoran Andreea and Manea Cristina as colleagues.
In 2005 I retired from orienteering.
Not being able to stay away from this wonderful sport, in 2009 I returned in orienteering, I showed up at the National Championship - Halfmarathon running at OPEN TEHNIC category. In that year , I was legitimated at sport club Metropolitan Bucharest, having Mr. Miclea Viorel as coach. At this club I ran from May of 2009 to August of 2010.
In present I am legitimated at A.C.S "Sanatatea" Ploiesti, having Mr. Doctor Olteanu Emil as coach.
I must thank to Mr. Barbu Ion because he "injected" me this virus, to Mr. Miclea Viorel for helping me to return in orienteering and to Mr. Doctor Olteanu Emil because he still sustains me in this sport.

duminică, 6 martie 2011


O superba zi de martie,un antrenament superb organizat de C.S.Otopeni in padurea Baneasa.
Un traseu "scurt" dar eficient,pe varianta am alergat 6.080m.
Am obtinut al doilea timp dupa Ionut Patras(33,26) si eu 34,38.Cateva greseli  pe parcursul traseului a dus la pierderea minutului "pretios". :p

A wonderful March day, a nice training organized by C.S.Otopeni in Baneasa forest.
It was a "short" route, but it was efficient, that is 6 km.
I got the second time after Ionut Patras (33,26) and me 34,38. Some mistakes on the route led to the loss of the "precious" minute.

Poze de azi / Today's pictures <<CLICK>>
Poze de la Ungureanu Alex     <<CLICK>>

Thanks for the training- contest:

sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011

(RO)Bucle. (ENG) Loops

Antrenamentul de azi a inceput cu o alergare de 5 km.Dupa terminarea celor 5 km a urmat intalnirea cu fam Maiorescu (le multumesc),tin sa precizez ca a fost varianta full :))  (adica si-a facut aparitia si Mircius).
S-au mai alaturat :Ionut Patras,Stefan si Adina Popescu.
Dupa cei 5 km a urmat un traseu cu 3 bucle,in loc de post de control statea Mircea :))
Today's training started with a 5 km running. After finishing 5 km of running, it followed the meeting with the Maiorescu family (I thank them!), I must say that it was the full version :)) (I mean Mircius has appeared, too). Also, joined us: Ionut Patras,Stefan si Adina Popescu. After 5 km of running, it followed a route with 3 running loops. Instead of the checkpoint, stood Mircea.:))

Bucla 1 a fost cea din dreapta,2 sus si 3 stanga.
 The running loops 1 :the one from right, 2: from middle, 3: the one from left.
Dupa terminarea traseului au mai urmat inca 5 km de alergare.
After finishing this route, it followed another 5 km of running.

vineri, 4 martie 2011

joi, 3 martie 2011


  Vor fi montate 2 trasee cu distante: 5,2 km-11 PC
                                                        3,3 km -10 PC

TAXA 5 LEI . Se ofera ceai cald si premii. inscrieri pana la data de 04.03.2011
Pentru confortul participantilor premierea se va face la validare Respectati termenul de inscriere necesar pregatirii traditionalului ``ZGLOBIU``
Va asteptam.