miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Despre mine. About me.

Am ales sa postez deoarece nu incape in profil...
In anul 2000 am fost contamitat cu virusul "orientare sportiva",legitimat la clubul sportiv "TEXTILA DACIA" avandu-l antrenor pe domnul Barbu Ion. Intre timp domnul Barbu ION <<Mister>> muta intregul lot la clubul sportiv Otopeni, bineinteles tot sub conducerea dumnealui.
O perioada superba petrecuta in acel club avandu-i colegi pe Bunea Florin,Tuncu Florin,Tuncu Maria,Petrisor Sabina,Nenciu Ioana,Nenciu Liana,Maxim Mihaela,Tudoran Andreea si Manea Cristina.
In anul 2005 m-am retras din orientarea sportiva...
Neputand sta departe de acest minunat sport, in anul 2009 revin in orientare,mi-am facut aparitia la campionatul national de semimaraton alergand la categoria OPEN TEHNIC. In acel an m-am legitimat la clubul sportiv Metropolitan Bucuresti avandu-l antrenor pe domnul Miclea Viorel.La acest club am activat din luna Mai a anului 2009 pana in August 2010.
In prezent sunt legitimat la A.C.S. "Sanatatea" Ploiesti avandu-l antrenor pe domnul doctor Olteanu Emil.
Tin sa multumesc domnului Barbu Ion ca mi-a "injectat" acest virus,domnului Miclea Viorel ca m-a ajutat sa revin in orientare si domnului doctor Olteanu Emil ca ma sustine in continuare in acest sport.
In 2000 I was contaminated with "orienteering" virus, legitimated at sport club "TEXTILA DACIA", having Mr. Barbu Ion as coach. Meanwhile, Mr. Barbu Ion <<Mister>> moved the entire group, at sport club Otopeni, of course still under his leadership.
I spent wonderful moments at that club having Bunea Florin,Tuncu Florin,Tuncu Maria,Petrisor Sabina,Nenciu Ioana,Nenciu Liana,Maxim Mihaela,Tudoran Andreea and Manea Cristina as colleagues.
In 2005 I retired from orienteering.
Not being able to stay away from this wonderful sport, in 2009 I returned in orienteering, I showed up at the National Championship - Halfmarathon running at OPEN TEHNIC category. In that year , I was legitimated at sport club Metropolitan Bucharest, having Mr. Miclea Viorel as coach. At this club I ran from May of 2009 to August of 2010.
In present I am legitimated at A.C.S "Sanatatea" Ploiesti, having Mr. Doctor Olteanu Emil as coach.
I must thank to Mr. Barbu Ion because he "injected" me this virus, to Mr. Miclea Viorel for helping me to return in orienteering and to Mr. Doctor Olteanu Emil because he still sustains me in this sport.

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