joi, 31 martie 2011

MOIECIU 2- 3 APRILIE 2011 (antrenament-training)

Sambata dimineata plecam in recunoasterea marathonului.
Cu parere de rau,duminica eu,Radu si Daniel vom lipsi de la concursul de orientare sportiva din Plopeni.
Sambata  vrem sa mergem pe tura 1 si 2 iar duminica pe tura 3.
Cu noi "povesti" luni :p

On Saturday morning we leave in recognition of the marathon. Regretfully, Sunday, me, Radu and Daniel will miss from the orienteering contest from Plopeni. On Saturday we want to go on 1 and 2 shifts and on Sunday we on shift 3. I'll come with new "stories" on monday :p

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