-Cabana cota 1000
-Varful Paduchiosu
-Piatra Arsa
-Varfu Omu
-Cabana Malaiesti
-Pichetul Rosu
-Trei Brazi
-Poiana Secuilor
-Timisul de Sus.
Traseul a avut 63 km si o diferenta de nivel de 3500.
Prima partea a traseului (click) The first part of the route (click)
A doua parte a traseului(click)The second part of the route (click)
La pornirea din Comarnic ni s-a mai adaugat un membru,este vorba de o catelusa formidabila,a mers cu noi pana la Trei Brazi...
Pana la Malaesti m-am simtit excelent,la Malaesti am stat 2 minute,cand am plecat am simtit ca ceva nu este in regula...devenisem "mortul viu".Daniel vazundu-ma mi-a dat un Activator care ma refacut instant(multumesc Daniel).Am reinceput alergarea fara nici-o problema a inceput si o ploaie torentiala care ma revigorat,dupa cab Diham iar incepea sa fuga imaginea...pe traseul de catre Trei Brazi am traversat drumul Predeal-Parau Rece si il intrebam pe Radu unde suntem ca pur si simplu nu mai judecam,nu mai recunosteam nimic...De mancat nu puteam,parca aveam un nod in gat care nu ma lasa sa inghit..Dupa Poiana Secuilor a inceput si Radu sa cedeze...si Daniel a luat un avans de noi.A fost formidabil alaturi de Daniel Stroescu si Radu Milea.
Timpul era mai mic daca nu ma lasau pe mine motoarele asa devreme,dar sper ca m-au inteles ca am fost dupa o noapte de mers cu trenu in care nu am dormit 1 ora.
Din Comarnic pana la drumul care urca in Piatra Arsa a fost cu noi si Alex Nimara.Sunt mandru de noi pentru ce am facut si vor urma si altele...
On Friday at 5:26 p.m I went from Baia Mare to Comarnic where Daniel, Radu and Alex were waiting for me. I arrived in Comarnic on Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, we changed our clothes and at 6:25 a.m we started to conquer Omu Peak. Ther route was:
-Cabana cota 1000
-Varful Paduchiosu
-Piatra Arsa
-Varfu Omu
-Cabana Malaiesti
-Pichetul Rosu
-Trei Brazi
-Poiana Secuilor
-Timisul de Sus.
The route had 63 km and a level difference of 3500.
At the start from Comarnic, another member joined us, I talk about a formidable dog, who joined us until we arrived at Trei Brazi...
Until Malaesti I felt great, there I stayed 2 minutes, when I left I felt that something is going wrong... I have become a "living dead".Daniel saw me and gave me an Activator which rebuilt me. (thanks Daniel). I resumed the running with no problems and then it started a puoring rain which refreshed me, after Cab. Diham the view started to flee from my eyes... On the route to Trei Brazi I crossed the road Predeal- Paraul Rece and I asked Radu where are we because I was out of my mind, I could't recognize anything.... I could't eat, it seemed like I had a lump in the throat which didn't let me swallow... Also, after Poiana Secuilor Radu started to yield and Daniel took advance. With Danieal Stroescu and Radu Milea it was wonderful. I had had less time if my engines didn't stuck so early, but I hope that they understood me. I was there after an overnight train ride on I haven't slept too much, just 1 hour.
From Comarnic to the road that climbs up to Piatra Arsa , Alex Nimara joined us. I'm proud of us for what we did and others will come.
In dreapta puteti vedea si cainele "maraton".On the right you can see the "marathon" dog.
Si asa am aratat dupa 63 km.And this is the way I looked after 63 km.
Poze din timpul traseului (click)
Asta a fost sambata(ieri),duminica(azi) am fost la Cozieni unde s-a desfasurat un concurs de orientare sportiva.A fost numai bun pentru o revenire,din cauza oboselii acumulate am preferat sa aleg variantele ocolitoare dar sigure,am preferat sa alerg mai mult dar sa nu gresesc ... si am facut o alegere buna,cu timpul de 59 de minte m-am clasat pe locul 2 dupa Daniel Stroescu.
This was on Saturday (yesterday), on Sunday (today) I was at a competition in Cozieni. It was good for a recovering, because of the accumulated fatigue I preferre to choose the bypasses but safer alternatives, I prefered to run more, but not to go wrong... and I made a good choice , with my time 59 minutes I was ranked on the second place after Daniel Stroescu.

Traseu masurat pe varianta are 7200,eu pe variantele mele am alergat 9450.Harta 1/15.000.
Foarte tare traseul. Nu stiu de ce am dat abia acum peste postul tau. Pe Daniel il stiu, am alergat impreuna la Orientare. Alerg de mult prin Comarnci si cautam o iesire spre Paduchiosul, dar acum mi-e mult mai clar cu harta de la tine. Mersi, Serban.