Antrenamentul de azi a inceput cu o alergare de 5 km.Dupa terminarea celor 5 km a urmat intalnirea cu fam Maiorescu (le multumesc),tin sa precizez ca a fost varianta full :)) (adica si-a facut aparitia si Mircius).
S-au mai alaturat :Ionut Patras,Stefan si Adina Popescu.
Dupa cei 5 km a urmat un traseu cu 3 bucle,in loc de post de control statea Mircea :))
Today's training started with a 5 km running. After finishing 5 km of running, it followed the meeting with the Maiorescu family (I thank them!), I must say that it was the full version :)) (I mean Mircius has appeared, too). Also, joined us: Ionut Patras,Stefan si Adina Popescu. After 5 km of running, it followed a route with 3 running loops. Instead of the checkpoint, stood Mircea.:))
Bucla 1 a fost cea din dreapta,2 sus si 3 stanga.
The running loops 1 :the one from right, 2: from middle, 3: the one from left.
Dupa terminarea traseului au mai urmat inca 5 km de alergare.
After finishing this route, it followed another 5 km of running.
nu credeam ca o sa spun asta...dar mi-e dor de baneasa!!
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