sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011

Asa a zis :))

Mai jos voi posta cateva fragmente din timpii obtinuti la antrenamentele din aceasta saptamana   :p

I'll post some excerpts below from the times obtained at the training from this week. :p

Maine ma asteapta o zi grea,o harta tehnica si un traseu de 7 km cu o diferenta de nivel de 280m.
Din punct de vedere fizic nu cred ca vor fi probleme,sa vedem ce imi rezerva partea tehnica :p  (va povestesc maine)

Tomorrow , expects me a tough day, a technical map and a  7 km route with a level difference of 280m.
Physically, I don't think there will be problems, let's see what the technical part  reservs me (I'll tell you tomorrow)

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