Stand de vorba cu Simi ne-am amintit de un concurs din 2004...
At Izvoru Muresului we have gathered up in Radu Milea and Tuncu Florin's room to watch the Romania's match...
Talking with Simi, we have remembered about a contest from 2004.
Am povestit de "party-ul" organizat de noi :D era pacat sa nu scriu despre asta.
Cat timp s-a scurs din 2004 pana in imi amintesc de parca a fost ieri...imi amintesc ca am inceput cu un foc de tabara,la foc eram foarte multi printre care si Anca Cicel,Anca Chira,Judit,Hajni...cemai era toata gasca doamnei Gabi Iosub.
We have told the story about "the party" organized by us.:D. It was a shame not to write about this.
How much time elapsed since 2004 until now... and I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember that we started with a campfire. At the fire we were so many, including Anca Cicel, Anca Chira, Judit, Hajni... it was all Mrs. Gabi Iosub's gang.
How much time elapsed since 2004 until now... and I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember that we started with a campfire. At the fire we were so many, including Anca Cicel, Anca Chira, Judit, Hajni... it was all Mrs. Gabi Iosub's gang.
Eu cu Simi si Klaus C. (si cu o brigada de fete dupa noi ) am plecat de la focul de tabara ca aveam ceva special de facut :P (aveam o lada de bere si parca vro 2 sticle de dodka).Va dati seama ca nu puteam sta la foc ca eram pre mici si 1 nu ne lasa ai mai mari:d si 2 riscam sa nu ne saturam :)).
Ne-am lasat condusi de Simi spre-o poiana din zona unde ne-am apucat de treaba :)))
Cu siguranta asteptati sa va spun ce sa intamplat si dupa....dar nu o fac ca se lasa greu =))
Me, Simi and Klaus C. ( ANd with a girls brigade after us) left the campfire because we had something special to do :P. ( we had a beer box and about two bottles of vodka). You know that we couldn't stay at the fire because we were too small and 1. the big ones didn't let us to stay and 2.we risked to not get enough.
We left Simi to led us to a glade from that area where we started the work :))
Definitely you wait from me to tell you what happened after, but I won't do this 'cause it keeps hard.=))
Eu si prietenul meu dupa PARTY .
Me and my friend after the party.
Obosit...:PTired... :P
Pe mine m-ai uitat, ca defapt bauturile erau aduse pentru ziua mea! :) a fost pe 9 octombrie si chiar ca a fost tare concursul ala :)) Pe acasa am si eu poze, chiar si despre tine, candva o sa t-il dau. Zozo
RăspundețiȘtergerepfff scz zozo.pai trimite-mi pozele si ceva completari pe email.ajuta-ma sa-mi reamintesc :)astept mailu tau
RăspundețiȘtergerece mai ...toata gasca:))
RăspundețiȘtergereeu las o amintire:nu iubi un blond k e vagabont dar iubeste un brunet k e mai destept:X:X::X