After Sunday's route, me and Gaby decided to go in Seciu forest to do that route. On our way we changed the plan. We decided to do some loops using the posts from Sunday's route.
Am decis sa alergam impreuna pe bucle,alergad pe rand pe variante.
Tinand cont ca este un antrenament am alergat mai incet si mai atent.Am avut doua greseli,prima la postul numarul 2 din bucla din stanga si a 2a la postul 4 ...
We decided to run together on the loops,running each in turn on variants. Considering that this is a training, I ran slower and more careful. I had two mistakes: first on post number 2 from the left loop and the second on post number 4...
In rest totul a decurs normal.
Un ultim antrenament pe diferenta de nivel inainte de norma de control de la Izvoru Mures.
Otherwise, everything was normal.
A final training on level differences before the control rule from Izvoru Mures.
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