marți, 26 aprilie 2011


Sarbatorile pascale le-am petrecut asa cum imi place,alaturi de cei dragi.Cei dragi insemnand cei din orientare(Daniel,Costin,George,Radu,Tamas,dl doctor Emil,dl Serban,Lucian si familia lui).
In perioada 22-25 apr am participat la cupa Velikden in Bulgaria.In acesta perioada am avut 4 etape care mai de care mai spectaculoase.
In seara de 23 am mers la banchet,dupa terminarea banchetului am mers la biserica din centrul orasului Targovishte sa luam Lumina.La biserica am mers alaturi de Daniel,Costin,Geo,dl dr Olteanu si dl Serban,am intrat in biserica,am sarutat icoana am luat Lumini,dupa care am mers spre hotel sa servim masa.Masa am servit-o in aceeasi formula doar ca ni s-a alaturat si doamna Sanda(sotia dl Serban).
La masa am avut ocazia sa mananc dintr-un cozonac foarte bun(facut de doamna Sanda,pe care o rog sa ne mai faca),nu am uitat nici de branza de oaie adusa de dl doctor...defapt pe masa erau numai bunatati,nu stiai ce sa mananci mai repede.
In ziua sfanta de Paste (24 apr) am avut proba de medie distanta,dupa aceasta am mers sa luam masa "in familie" la cativa km de Velikdenche am gasit un lac frumos,acolo am incins discul dl doctor pe care s-a pus pastrama de miel,carnaciori,carne de porc...o nebunie.
Sunt fericit ca am petrecut aceasta sarbatoare alaturi de cei dragi mie.
Hartile le voi posta fara varianta momentan ca nu vrea sa-mi fac nervi :)).

I spent the Easter holidays as I like, with my loved ones. The loved ones meaning the people from orienteering (Daniel Costin, George, Roger, Tamas, Mr. Doctor Emil, Mr. Serban and Lucian's family).
Between 22 and 25 April I participated at Velikden Cup in Bulgaria. In this period I had 4 stages more or less spectacular.
On the evening of 23 April I went to the banquet; after the baquet we went to the church in the centre of Targovishte city to take Light.
I went at the church with Daniel, Costin, Geo, Mr. Doctor Olteanu and Mr. Serban. We entered in the church, i kissed the icon, we took Light, then we went to the hotel to have the dinner. We served the dinner in the same formula, in addition Mrs. Sanda joined us. (Mr.Serban's wife).
At the dinner I had the opportunity to eat a very good cake (made by Mrs. Sanda, whom I beg to continue to make cakes for us); I didn't forgot about the sheep cheese brought by Mrs. Doctor... actually, on the table were only goodies, you couldn't knew what to eat first.
In the Easter day (24 April) I had a sample of average distance, afetr wich we went to have the lunch "in familly" to a few kilometers from Velikdenche. There we found a beautiful lake where we heated the grill on wich we put the pemmican lamb, the pork... a craze...
I'm happy because I spent this holiday with my loved ones.
I will post the maps without variant for a moment, because I don't want to get angry.:))

 Din punctul meu de vedere organizarea a fost perfecta.
From my point of view, the organization was perfect

duminică, 24 aprilie 2011



sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011


Cu 4 greseli in posturile 1,3,4 si 11 am fost clasat pe locul 16.Timpul adunat in aceste posturi a fost de 14 minute.
Mai sunt 2 etape la care imi pot atinge obiectivul.
Acum ne pregatim pentru banchet ... Dupa petrecere vom merge la biserica sa luam LUMINA.
Va doresc tuturor PASTE FERICIT si petrecere frumoasa.

vineri, 22 aprilie 2011


O cursa frumoasa,start in bloc cu 3 bucle,la fiecare sfarsit de bucla se schimba harta.Un traseu parcurs in 58 de minute.Cu acest timp am ocupat locul 17.
O singura greseala notabila in primul post din bucla 1.In rest am alergat relaxat si am observat ca se poate merge si fara greseli.
Maine este prima etapa importanta pentru mine.La ora 13 este startul in proba de sprint.
Harti si mai multe detalii in cel mai scurt timp,momentat acest lucru nu este posibil din cauza internetului.
Maine sper sa imi indeplinesc obiectivul si sa va impartasesc si voua bucuria mea!!!

duminică, 17 aprilie 2011


Azi am participat la crosul iepurasilor verzi organizat in parcul Herastrau.O alergare buna dupa antrenamentul din Bucegi dar foarte scurta.Organizatorii au anuntat ca acest cros are distanta de 1500m,ceasul meu a masurat 1350.Timpul meu pe acesta cursa a fost de  4 min si 34 sec.
Initial am vrut sa alerg usor din cauza durerii din gat dar am fost nevoit sa accelerez din cauza concurentei.

Today I attended to Green Bunnies Cross organized in Herastrau Park. It was a good running after the training from Bucegi, but very short. The organizers announced that this cross has a distance of 1500 m, but my watch measured 1350m. My time on this route was 4 minutes and 34 seconds.
Initially I wanted to run slowly beacause od the sore throat, but I had to accelerate because of the rivalry


Sambata dimineata am plecat cu Daniel S. la un antrenament maraton.
Saturday morning I went at a marathon- training with Daniel S.

Am facut un traseu superb,am plecat din Sinaia de la Cabana Schiorilor,am mers pe Calea Codrului,cabana Cuibu Dorului,Saua Laptici,Pestera,Babele,Piatra Arsa,Cota 2000,(si am ramas fara baterie la ceas)1400,de aici am coborat pe drumul vechi pana la Cabana Schiorilor.
Un traseu superb ales de Daniel,in plan era sa ajungem si la Omu dar zapada foarte mare ne-a facut sa schimbam traseu.

We made a nice route, we left from Sinaia from Cabana Schiorilor, we went on Calea Codrului,Cabana Cuibu Dorului,Saua Laptici,Pestera, Babele, Piatra Arsa, Cota 2000, (the watch's battery was over),1400, from here we descended on the old road to Cabana Schiorilor. A wonderful route chosen by Daniel, the plan was to get to Omu, but the big snow made us to change our route.

Traseul l-am descris in mare,acest traseu avand distanta de 44,51 km(+2046 dif nivel) cu un timp foarte mare (8ore 26 min),o foarte mare parte din traseu fiind acoperita de zapada nu puteam alerga nici la coborare,in foarte multe locuri zapada trecand de genunchi si nici ceata nu a lipsit ingreunandu-ne vederea marcajelor.

I described the route summarily, this route had a distance of 44, 51(+2046 elv) km with a very long time (8 hours and 26 minutes), a large part of this route was covered with snow and we couldn't run downhill, in many places the snow past the knee and the fog hasn't missed, making difficult the view of the bookmarks.

Traseul(nu am mai ajuns la Omu)
The route ( we haven't reached to Omu)

Singura urma pe care a lasat-o acest antrenament este o durere in gat...
The only mark left by this training is a sore throat...
Aici este fiecare km in parte si diferenta de nivel de la start pana la cabana Cota 2000.(CLICK) Here is each km and the level differences from start to Cota 2000. (CLICK)
Nu mai ramane decat sa-i multumesc lu Daniel pentru traseul facut si pentru ideea de a face acest antrenament.
Asteptam sa se faca vremea frumoasa,sa se topeasca zapada si sa mergem din nou pe acest traseu si sa incerccam injumatatirea timpul.
There only remains to thank Daniel for the route made and for the idea of doing this training.
We are waiting for a beautiful weather, the snow melting to go back on this route and try halving the time.

miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011


In urma participarii la Adunarea Generala a FRO de la Izvoru Muresului si constatarii a tuturor celor
  prezenti ca activitatea Comisiilor FRO este aproape nula cu cateva exceptii,am decis sa-mi asum 
  raspunderea pentru infintarea Comisiei Sportivilor de Elita,acest aspect fiind discutat cu Presedintele FRO
  Dl. Constantin Alexandrescu.
      Asadar prima sedinta va avea loc in data de 16 aprilie ora 17.00 cu intalnire in prima faza in fata 
  Hotelului Sport din Baia Mare.

      Urmatorii sportivi care vor avea statutul de Membrii cu drept de vot sunt rugati sa se prezinte la prima
  sedinta,in caz contrar nu vor face parte din Comisie pentru anul 2011 si sunt rugati sa nu aduca comentarii
  ulterioare(ei putand face parte din Comisia pentru anul 2012 daca doresc):
    Auer Monica
    Bogya Tamas
    Danila Andreea
    Maiorescu Irina
    Minoiu Veronica
    Mutiu Ovidiu
    Suciu Simion
    Tuncu Florin
    Zinca Ionut
    Absenta se accepta doar in cazul unui motiv foarte intemeiat ce va fi trimis pe aceasta adresa pana la 
 ora sedintei si
va fi supus votului.

     Deasemenea pe langa cei nominalizati sunt invitati: Dl. Constantin Alexandrescu,Dl. Vasile Sterea si
   toti sportivii seniori care doresc sa participe si sa prezinte propuneri concrete(ce vor fi supuse votului)
   pentru imbunatatirea performantelor sportivilor seniori.

   Cu stima,
 Suciu Simion

marți, 12 aprilie 2011


M-am chinuit sa-mi sterg gandurile negre si supararea  acumulate la aceata competitie.
Supararea nu mi-a provocat-o nimeni altcineva decat eu...greselile facute la sprint si la wre m-au doborat psihic.La aceasta competitie am o singura neplacere,fiind una singura prefer sa incep cu ea.Aceasta "neplacere" pot spune ca a fost provocata din cauza temperaturii scazute...vorbesc despre faptul ca organizatorii nu au asigurat un loc pt lasarea unei bluze,geci,etc...
Sportivii neavand cum sa paraseasca finishu pana la incheierea startului.
Acum sa incepem cu placerile :)
Totul a fost superb cazarea cat si preparatele din bucataria bulgareasca.Vecinii nostrii bulgari fiind foarte prietenosi si primitori m-au facut sa cred ca nu mi-am parasit propria tara.Cu foarte multi dintre ei fiind prieten virtual(facebook :D) ne-am salutat si am schimbat cateva cuvinte.
Orasul Veliko Tarnovo m-a impresionat cu asezarea lui.La iesirea din oras pur si simplu treci printr-un tunel pe care sunt construite case.Superb.

I struggled to wipe the black thoughts and the anger accumulated at this competition.
I caused my anger, nobody else. The mistakes made at sprint and at WRE had psychically knocked me down. In this competition I had only one inconvenience, being just one I prefer to start with it. I can say that this "inconvenience" was caused by the low temperature... I talk about the fact that the organizers didn't provide a place for leaving a shirt, jackets, etc..., the athletes not having how to leave the finish until the end of the start,
Now, let's start with the pleasures:)
Everything was wonderful, the accommodation and the bulgarian cuisine also. Our bulgarian neighbours were very friendly and hospitable, they made me believe that I didn't left my own country, with many of them being virtual friends (facebook:D), we have welcomed and exchanged a few words.
The Veliko Tarnovo city's settlement impressed me. At the exit of the city, you are just going through a tunnel on wich are built houses. Awesome!

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011


Eu personal ma asteptam la un rezultat mult mai bun,se pare ca pregatirea fizica fata de adversarii mei este buna dar cea tehnica este dezastruoasa.
Un sprint din care nu am inteles absolut nimic...dar am vazut un peisaj foarte frumos.Sprintul s-a desfasurat in interiorul cetatii de pe dealul Tsarevets (o cetate medievala) din orasul Veliko Tarnovo.
Un astfel de sprint pentru mine a fost o premiera.
Concursul de medie distanta sa desfasurat la Tryavna.
O padure frumoasa si un traseu relativ usor,neatentia si relaxarea ma facut sa gresesc 10 minute in postul 5 si inca 10 minute in postul 12,nu mai spun si de micile basbaieli din zona posturilor.Aceste doua mari greseli m-au scufundat in subsolul clasamentului.
La aceasta etapa imi propusesem un obiectiv,tinand cont ca a fost si etapa wre...
Asta este viata....pregatirea fizica va merge inainte,mai greu cu cea tehnica.Daca as avea unde as face si cate 2 antrenamente pe zi cu harta in mana dar zona nu imi permite,cea mai apropiata zona de orientare cu diferenta de nivel si teren variabil este la minim 60 de km.Imi doresc foarte mult sa progresez in pregatirea tehnica...sper sa reusesc cat mai repede posibil.
Pana imi rezolv problemele tehnice sper sa merg cu o viteza mai redusa si sa maresc atentia.Cu siguranta daca nu mai imi dau drumu la picioare voi avea si un timp mai bun.

I, personally expected to a much better result, it seems that the physical training against my opponents is good, but the technique is disastrous.
A sprint from wich I didn't understood anything... but I saw a very beatiful view. The sprint was held inside the stronghold from the Tsarevets's hill ( a medieval stronghold) in Veliko Tarnovo town.
Such sprint was a premiere for me.
The average distance competition took place in Tryavna.
There was a beatiful forest and a relatively easy route, the inattention and the relaxation made me to go wrong for 10 minutes in post No 5 and another 10 minutes in post No. 12, not to mention about the small mistakes from posts zone. These two biggest mistakes have sunk me in the bottom of the table.
At this stage I proposed to myself a goal considering that it was also the WRE stage. This is life...
The phisycal training will go forward , but harder with the technical part. If I had where, I would do two trainings a day with the map in my hand, but the area doesn't allow me, the nearest orienteering zone with level differece and variable field is at least 60 km. I really want to progress in my technical training... I hope to succeed as quickly as possible.
Until I solve my technical problems, I hope to run with a lower speed and to increase my safety. Surely, if I don't let my legs to run I will have a much better time.       SITE OFICIAL     REZULTATE

POZE ... <<CLICK>>

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011


Un antrenament super reusit,un traseu trasat de Radu Milea foarte frumos.
La acest antrenament au participat:Ionut Zinca,Daniel Stroescu,Radu Milea,Gabi Sabou,Razvan Lupa,Cosmin Georgescu,Costica Bulgaru,Adina Popescu si Irina Maiorescu.
La acest antrenament dupa cum se observa s-a strans o gasca destul de numeroasa.
Tin sa precizez ca am fost foarte mandru ca am avut ocazia sa fac un antrenament alaturi de Ionut Zinca,lider incontestabil al Romaniei si nu numai.
Azi pot spune ca am avut o zi buna.Traseul avand o distanta de 3.000 m,pe varianta alergand 3450 m,fara greseli,din punct de vedere fizic m-am simtit foarte bine.
Timpul meu pe acest traseu a fost 15:56.

It was a successful training, a very nice route drawn by Radu Milea. At this training participated: Ionut Zinca,Daniel Stroescu,Radu Milea,Gabi Sabou,Razvan Lupa,Cosmin Georgescu,Costica Bulgaru,Adina Popescu and Irina Maiorescu.
As you can see, at this training has been gathered a numerous gang.
I must say that I was very proud of myself because I had the opportunity to do a training with Ionut Zinca, the undeniable leader of Romania and not only. Today, I can say that I had a good day, the route having a distance of 3.000 meters, I was running 3450 meters on the variant, without mistakes, phisycally I felt very good.
My time on this route was 15:56.

O singura greseala majora a fost in postul 6,unde nu mai era hartia si m-am uitat crezand ca a luat-o vantu...
Aceasta cursa a fost castigata de Ionut cu un timp de 12 m si 21 sec .

I had one major mistake at post No. 6, where it wasn't paper and  I looked thinking that the wind took it. This lap was won by Ionut with a time of 12 minutes and 21 seconds.

duminică, 3 aprilie 2011


Dimineata, la ora 7, a fost plecarea. Am ajuns in Moieciu in jurul orei 10:30. Acolo, erau deja pregatiti de fuga George, Gica, Mihai Orleanu si cu o gasca...
Ne-au asteptat sa ne schimbam si sa pornim la "treaba". Ne-am schimbat in fuga la George in curte si am plecat pe prima bucla.
O bucla frumoasa, am pornit usor si la fel usor am continuat pe parcursul buclei. Drept dovada, pulsul meu a avut o constanta de 151 bpm.
Pe a doua tura am plecat cu Daniel, Radu, Andrei si Adi P. Startul pe tura 2 l-am luat la ora 12:50. La fel de usor am pornit si pe a doua bucla. Si aceasta tura a fost frumoasa, dar cu un drum de 5 Km pe care se fuge destul de greu daca este circulat de masini (din cauza prafului pe care il ridica). Pot spune ca si pe aceasta bucla am fost destul de relaxat(medie puls: 153 bpm).
Dupa terminarea turei, am mers sa ne cazam, avand o gazda foarte faina (Casa Orleanu).
Odata cazati, eu unul nu vedeam decat mancare in fata ochilor :P.
Dupa masa, am mers la odihna. Am stat in pat vreo doua ore, dupa care am coborat la Radu si Daniel in camera si am stabilit sa iesim la o mica plimbare. Am plecat decat noi trei sa vedem meciul. Adi si Andrei au dormit de la ora 5 dupa-amiaza pana la ora 9 dimineata:))... si tot mai vroiau sa doarma...
Duminica, la 8:30: trezirea. Am luat micul dejun impreuna cu Daniel si Radu, deoarece Andrei si Adi nu erau apti pentru acest eveniment (dormeau).
La ora 10:30, am plecat pe tura a treia. Pe aceasta tura am mers cu Daniel, Radu, Andrei, Adi ,Mihai Orleanu, Gica si George. Si pe aceasta tura am alergat la fel de relaxat. Tin sa precizez ca pe langa multele urcari, ofera un peisaj superb.
 Aceste 2 zile petrecute in Moieciu au fost foarte utile pentru a-mi face o idee despre "ecomarathon".
Mult mai multe detalii va voi oferi dupa alergare maratonului...
Doar la 2 bucle am harta.(o tura nu a fost inregistrata de GPS)



At 7 in the morning, it was the leaving. We arrived in Moieciu at about 10:30 AM. There, George, Gica, Mihai Orleanu and a gang were already ready to run.
They waited for us to change our clothes and to start to "work". We changed in a hurry in George's backyard and we left on the first loop.
A beautiful loop, we started easily and as easy as we started, the same we continued over the loop. As proof, my pulse had a 151 bpm constant.
On the second lap I went with Daniel, Radu, Andrei and Adi P. We took the start on the second lap at 12:50. The second loop was as easy as the first loop was. Also, this lap was nice, but it was with a 5 Km road on wich the run is hard if on the road are passing the cars. (Because of the dust that it is raised). I, also, can say that on this loop I was pretty relaxed ( average heart rate: 153 bpm).
After the lap, we went to make the accommodation, having a nice host (Casa Orleanu). Once accommodated, I was just seeing food in front of my eyes :P
After the meal, I went to rest. I stayed in bed for about two hours, then I went downstairs in Radu and Daniel's room and we arranged to go out to take a walk. Just us went to see the football game. Adi and Andrei slept from 5 PM to 9 AM:))...and they wanted to sleep more.
Sunday at 8:30 AM: the awakening. I took the breakfast just with Daniel and Radu, because Andrei and Adi weren't able to participate at this event. (they were sleeping).
At 10:30 AM, we left on the lap three. On this lap I went with Daniel, Radu, Andrei, Adi, Mihai Orleanu, Gica and George. On this lap I ran relaxed. I must say that, besides the ascents, the lap offers a beautiful view.
These two days that I spent in Moieciu were very useful for me to make a personal idea about the "ecomarathon".
I'll give you much more details after the running from the marathon...