La acest antrenament au participat:Ionut Zinca,Daniel Stroescu,Radu Milea,Gabi Sabou,Razvan Lupa,Cosmin Georgescu,Costica Bulgaru,Adina Popescu si Irina Maiorescu.
La acest antrenament dupa cum se observa s-a strans o gasca destul de numeroasa.
Tin sa precizez ca am fost foarte mandru ca am avut ocazia sa fac un antrenament alaturi de Ionut Zinca,lider incontestabil al Romaniei si nu numai.
Azi pot spune ca am avut o zi buna.Traseul avand o distanta de 3.000 m,pe varianta alergand 3450 m,fara greseli,din punct de vedere fizic m-am simtit foarte bine.
Timpul meu pe acest traseu a fost 15:56.
It was a successful training, a very nice route drawn by Radu Milea. At this training participated: Ionut Zinca,Daniel Stroescu,Radu Milea,Gabi Sabou,Razvan Lupa,Cosmin Georgescu,Costica Bulgaru,Adina Popescu and Irina Maiorescu.
As you can see, at this training has been gathered a numerous gang.
I must say that I was very proud of myself because I had the opportunity to do a training with Ionut Zinca, the undeniable leader of Romania and not only. Today, I can say that I had a good day, the route having a distance of 3.000 meters, I was running 3450 meters on the variant, without mistakes, phisycally I felt very good.
My time on this route was 15:56.
O singura greseala majora a fost in postul 6,unde nu mai era hartia si m-am uitat crezand ca a luat-o vantu...
Aceasta cursa a fost castigata de Ionut cu un timp de 12 m si 21 sec .
I had one major mistake at post No. 6, where it wasn't paper and I looked thinking that the wind took it. This lap was won by Ionut with a time of 12 minutes and 21 seconds.
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