Saturday morning I went at a marathon- training with Daniel S.
Am facut un traseu superb,am plecat din Sinaia de la Cabana Schiorilor,am mers pe Calea Codrului,cabana Cuibu Dorului,Saua Laptici,Pestera,Babele,Piatra Arsa,Cota 2000,(si am ramas fara baterie la ceas)1400,de aici am coborat pe drumul vechi pana la Cabana Schiorilor.
Un traseu superb ales de Daniel,in plan era sa ajungem si la Omu dar zapada foarte mare ne-a facut sa schimbam traseu.
We made a nice route, we left from Sinaia from Cabana Schiorilor, we went on Calea Codrului,Cabana Cuibu Dorului,Saua Laptici,Pestera, Babele, Piatra Arsa, Cota 2000, (the watch's battery was over),1400, from here we descended on the old road to Cabana Schiorilor. A wonderful route chosen by Daniel, the plan was to get to Omu, but the big snow made us to change our route.
Traseul l-am descris in mare,acest traseu avand distanta de 44,51 km(+2046 dif nivel) cu un timp foarte mare (8ore 26 min),o foarte mare parte din traseu fiind acoperita de zapada nu puteam alerga nici la coborare,in foarte multe locuri zapada trecand de genunchi si nici ceata nu a lipsit ingreunandu-ne vederea marcajelor.
I described the route summarily, this route had a distance of 44, 51(+2046 elv) km with a very long time (8 hours and 26 minutes), a large part of this route was covered with snow and we couldn't run downhill, in many places the snow past the knee and the fog hasn't missed, making difficult the view of the bookmarks.
Traseul(nu am mai ajuns la Omu)
The route ( we haven't reached to Omu)
Singura urma pe care a lasat-o acest antrenament este o durere in gat...
The only mark left by this training is a sore throat...
Aici este fiecare km in parte si diferenta de nivel de la start pana la cabana Cota 2000.(CLICK) Here is each km and the level differences from start to Cota 2000. (CLICK)
Nu mai ramane decat sa-i multumesc lu Daniel pentru traseul facut si pentru ideea de a face acest antrenament.
Asteptam sa se faca vremea frumoasa,sa se topeasca zapada si sa mergem din nou pe acest traseu si sa incerccam injumatatirea timpul.
There only remains to thank Daniel for the route made and for the idea of doing this training.
We are waiting for a beautiful weather, the snow melting to go back on this route and try halving the time.
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