Dimineata, la ora 7, a fost plecarea. Am ajuns in Moieciu in jurul orei 10:30. Acolo, erau deja pregatiti de fuga George, Gica, Mihai Orleanu si cu o gasca...
Ne-au asteptat sa ne schimbam si sa pornim la "treaba". Ne-am schimbat in fuga la George in curte si am plecat pe prima bucla.
O bucla frumoasa, am pornit usor si la fel usor am continuat pe parcursul buclei. Drept dovada, pulsul meu a avut o constanta de 151 bpm.
Pe a doua tura am plecat cu Daniel, Radu, Andrei si Adi P. Startul pe tura 2 l-am luat la ora 12:50. La fel de usor am pornit si pe a doua bucla. Si aceasta tura a fost frumoasa, dar cu un drum de 5 Km pe care se fuge destul de greu daca este circulat de masini (din cauza prafului pe care il ridica). Pot spune ca si pe aceasta bucla am fost destul de relaxat(medie puls: 153 bpm).
Dupa terminarea turei, am mers sa ne cazam, avand o gazda foarte faina (Casa Orleanu).
Odata cazati, eu unul nu vedeam decat mancare in fata ochilor :P.
Dupa masa, am mers la odihna. Am stat in pat vreo doua ore, dupa care am coborat la Radu si Daniel in camera si am stabilit sa iesim la o mica plimbare. Am plecat decat noi trei sa vedem meciul. Adi si Andrei au dormit de la ora 5 dupa-amiaza pana la ora 9 dimineata:))... si tot mai vroiau sa doarma...
Duminica, la 8:30: trezirea. Am luat micul dejun impreuna cu Daniel si Radu, deoarece Andrei si Adi nu erau apti pentru acest eveniment (dormeau).
La ora 10:30, am plecat pe tura a treia. Pe aceasta tura am mers cu Daniel, Radu, Andrei, Adi ,Mihai Orleanu, Gica si George. Si pe aceasta tura am alergat la fel de relaxat. Tin sa precizez ca pe langa multele urcari, ofera un peisaj superb.
Aceste 2 zile petrecute in Moieciu au fost foarte utile pentru a-mi face o idee despre "ecomarathon".
Mult mai multe detalii va voi oferi dupa alergare maratonului...
Doar la 2 bucle am harta.(o tura nu a fost inregistrata de GPS)
At 7 in the morning, it was the leaving. We arrived in Moieciu at about 10:30 AM. There, George, Gica, Mihai Orleanu and a gang were already ready to run.
They waited for us to change our clothes and to start to "work". We changed in a hurry in George's backyard and we left on the first loop.
A beautiful loop, we started easily and as easy as we started, the same we continued over the loop. As proof, my pulse had a 151 bpm constant.
On the second lap I went with Daniel, Radu, Andrei and Adi P. We took the start on the second lap at 12:50. The second loop was as easy as the first loop was. Also, this lap was nice, but it was with a 5 Km road on wich the run is hard if on the road are passing the cars. (Because of the dust that it is raised). I, also, can say that on this loop I was pretty relaxed ( average heart rate: 153 bpm).
After the lap, we went to make the accommodation, having a nice host (Casa Orleanu). Once accommodated, I was just seeing food in front of my eyes :P
After the meal, I went to rest. I stayed in bed for about two hours, then I went downstairs in Radu and Daniel's room and we arranged to go out to take a walk. Just us went to see the football game. Adi and Andrei slept from 5 PM to 9 AM:))...and they wanted to sleep more.
Sunday at 8:30 AM: the awakening. I took the breakfast just with Daniel and Radu, because Andrei and Adi weren't able to participate at this event. (they were sleeping).
At 10:30 AM, we left on the lap three. On this lap I went with Daniel, Radu, Andrei, Adi, Mihai Orleanu, Gica and George. On this lap I ran relaxed. I must say that, besides the ascents, the lap offers a beautiful view.
These two days that I spent in Moieciu were very useful for me to make a personal idea about the "ecomarathon".
I'll give you much more details after the running from the marathon...
Bravo Pasol! Cred ca la semimaraton la Baia Mare rupi gura targului!;)Tu, Chelie si Daniel!daca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereAs dori si eu track-urile. Ai putea te rog sa le pui on-line?
Salut,nu le mai am...am reinstalat toate programele de la Garmin si am uitat sa salvez arhiva...IMI PARE RAU