Sarbatorile pascale le-am petrecut asa cum imi place,alaturi de cei dragi.Cei dragi insemnand cei din orientare(Daniel,Costin,George,Radu,Tamas,dl doctor Emil,dl Serban,Lucian si familia lui).
In perioada 22-25 apr am participat la cupa Velikden in Bulgaria.In acesta perioada am avut 4 etape care mai de care mai spectaculoase.
In seara de 23 am mers la banchet,dupa terminarea banchetului am mers la biserica din centrul orasului Targovishte sa luam Lumina.La biserica am mers alaturi de Daniel,Costin,Geo,dl dr Olteanu si dl Serban,am intrat in biserica,am sarutat icoana am luat Lumini,dupa care am mers spre hotel sa servim masa.Masa am servit-o in aceeasi formula doar ca ni s-a alaturat si doamna Sanda(sotia dl Serban).
La masa am avut ocazia sa mananc dintr-un cozonac foarte bun(facut de doamna Sanda,pe care o rog sa ne mai faca),nu am uitat nici de branza de oaie adusa de dl doctor...defapt pe masa erau numai bunatati,nu stiai ce sa mananci mai repede.
In ziua sfanta de Paste (24 apr) am avut proba de medie distanta,dupa aceasta am mers sa luam masa "in familie" la cativa km de Velikdenche am gasit un lac frumos,acolo am incins discul dl doctor pe care s-a pus pastrama de miel,carnaciori,carne de porc...o nebunie.
Sunt fericit ca am petrecut aceasta sarbatoare alaturi de cei dragi mie.
Hartile le voi posta fara varianta momentan ca nu vrea sa-mi fac nervi :)).
I spent the Easter holidays as I like, with my loved ones. The loved ones meaning the people from orienteering (Daniel Costin, George, Roger, Tamas, Mr. Doctor Emil, Mr. Serban and Lucian's family).
Between 22 and 25 April I participated at Velikden Cup in Bulgaria. In this period I had 4 stages more or less spectacular.
On the evening of 23 April I went to the banquet; after the baquet we went to the church in the centre of Targovishte city to take Light.
I went at the church with Daniel, Costin, Geo, Mr. Doctor Olteanu and Mr. Serban. We entered in the church, i kissed the icon, we took Light, then we went to the hotel to have the dinner. We served the dinner in the same formula, in addition Mrs. Sanda joined us. (Mr.Serban's wife).
At the dinner I had the opportunity to eat a very good cake (made by Mrs. Sanda, whom I beg to continue to make cakes for us); I didn't forgot about the sheep cheese brought by Mrs. Doctor... actually, on the table were only goodies, you couldn't knew what to eat first.
In the Easter day (24 April) I had a sample of average distance, afetr wich we went to have the lunch "in familly" to a few kilometers from Velikdenche. There we found a beautiful lake where we heated the grill on wich we put the pemmican lamb, the pork... a craze...
I'm happy because I spent this holiday with my loved ones.
I will post the maps without variant for a moment, because I don't want to get angry.:))
Din punctul meu de vedere organizarea a fost perfecta.
From my point of view, the organization was perfect
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