duminică, 10 aprilie 2011


Eu personal ma asteptam la un rezultat mult mai bun,se pare ca pregatirea fizica fata de adversarii mei este buna dar cea tehnica este dezastruoasa.
Un sprint din care nu am inteles absolut nimic...dar am vazut un peisaj foarte frumos.Sprintul s-a desfasurat in interiorul cetatii de pe dealul Tsarevets (o cetate medievala) din orasul Veliko Tarnovo.
Un astfel de sprint pentru mine a fost o premiera.
Concursul de medie distanta sa desfasurat la Tryavna.
O padure frumoasa si un traseu relativ usor,neatentia si relaxarea ma facut sa gresesc 10 minute in postul 5 si inca 10 minute in postul 12,nu mai spun si de micile basbaieli din zona posturilor.Aceste doua mari greseli m-au scufundat in subsolul clasamentului.
La aceasta etapa imi propusesem un obiectiv,tinand cont ca a fost si etapa wre...
Asta este viata....pregatirea fizica va merge inainte,mai greu cu cea tehnica.Daca as avea unde as face si cate 2 antrenamente pe zi cu harta in mana dar zona nu imi permite,cea mai apropiata zona de orientare cu diferenta de nivel si teren variabil este la minim 60 de km.Imi doresc foarte mult sa progresez in pregatirea tehnica...sper sa reusesc cat mai repede posibil.
Pana imi rezolv problemele tehnice sper sa merg cu o viteza mai redusa si sa maresc atentia.Cu siguranta daca nu mai imi dau drumu la picioare voi avea si un timp mai bun.

I, personally expected to a much better result, it seems that the physical training against my opponents is good, but the technique is disastrous.
A sprint from wich I didn't understood anything... but I saw a very beatiful view. The sprint was held inside the stronghold from the Tsarevets's hill ( a medieval stronghold) in Veliko Tarnovo town.
Such sprint was a premiere for me.
The average distance competition took place in Tryavna.
There was a beatiful forest and a relatively easy route, the inattention and the relaxation made me to go wrong for 10 minutes in post No 5 and another 10 minutes in post No. 12, not to mention about the small mistakes from posts zone. These two biggest mistakes have sunk me in the bottom of the table.
At this stage I proposed to myself a goal considering that it was also the WRE stage. This is life...
The phisycal training will go forward , but harder with the technical part. If I had where, I would do two trainings a day with the map in my hand, but the area doesn't allow me, the nearest orienteering zone with level differece and variable field is at least 60 km. I really want to progress in my technical training... I hope to succeed as quickly as possible.
Until I solve my technical problems, I hope to run with a lower speed and to increase my safety. Surely, if I don't let my legs to run I will have a much better time.

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