sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

MARATON APUSENI 04h 14 m 35s

GPS Traseu Maraton Apuseni <<click>>,GPS Route Apuseni Marathon <<click>>

Cu 4 ore,14 minute si 35 de secunde am terminat Maratonul Apuseni,cu acest timp m-am clasat pe locul 7 la categorie si pe locul 18 open.

With my time 4 hours, 14 minutes and 35 seconds I finished The Apuseni Marathon, with wich I was ranked on the 7th place in my category and on the 18th place on open.

Cum spuneam,la aceasta cursa m-am prezentat fara niciun obiectiv,motivul era ca in ultimul timp am reusit sa contorizez un numar destul de mare de km,eram asa de obosit incat nu mai puteam termina unele antrenamente(ma terminau ele pe mine).Starea de oboseala incepuse sa apara in urma cu aproximativ 2 saptamani si a tinut pana pe la km 12 al maratonului.........

Vineri dimineata ne-am intalnit cu totii in piata Victoriei.(eu,Radu Milea,Daniel Stroescu,Alex Nimara si Aida Zodie).
Pe drum am avut parte de soare,grindina...povesti si idei...
Ideea care mi-a suras cel mai tare a fost lansata de catre Daniel,el auzind ca ma tot "plang" mi-a spus sa alerg la semimaraton,cand am auzit aceasta varianta parca mi-a reveit zambetul cu toate ca ma simteam incapabil si pentru aceasta proba...
Noaptea in pat ma gandeam ce caut acolo...ma simteam fara puteri...era groaznic...dar prin gand mai imi treceau vorbele lui Daniel,imi povestise ca a trecut si el prin astfel de momente si ca si-a revenit in ziua concursului....oricum nu mai credeam nimic si spertanta mea era de 0,001%....
Sambata dimineata inainte de start eram ca o lumanare tinuta in soare(afara erau 5 grade si ploua usor).M-am gandit ca daca nu termin maratonul nu este un capat de tara,daca nu pot continui traseul de semimaraton si asta este.
Se da startul,incep alergarea eram depasit de majoritatea concurentilor,startul a fost in urcare usoara si din e in ce mai accentuata,dupa 1,5 km eram deja galben si deabea respiram,m-am oprit din alergare si am continuat la pas...Am zis ca ma intorc la start...am intors privirea si inca mai erau participanti in urma mea :)) si am spus ca daca inca nu sunt ultimul mai merg.Cautam orice preocupare numai sa nu ma mai gandesc la alergat,ma bagam cu toata lumea in seama...A inceput coborarea si picioarele au inceput sa zboare,deja incepea sa recuperez,depasam concurentii care mai devreme imi facusera "zile negre"...

Like I said, I wasn't at this route with a goal to reach, the reason is because lately I was able to count a lot of kilometers, I was so tired that I couldn't finish some of the trainings (the trainings exhausted me). The fatigue began to appeat about two weeks ago and it lasted until the km 12 of the marathon...
On Friday morning we all met in Piata Victoriei (eu, Radu Milea, Daniel Stroescu, Alex Nimara and Aida Zodie). On our way we had sun, hail... stories and ideas... The  bright idea came from Daniel, he heard that I'm "crying" he told me to run on semimarathon. When I heard this version , the smile seems to reveal on my face, even if I felt unable for this test...
At night in my bed, I thought at what I'm doing there... I felt powerless... it was awful... but the words that Daniel told me passed through my mind, he told me that he went through similar moments and that he recovered in the contest day... anyway.. I didn't believed anything and my hope was about 0,001%...
On Saturday morning, before the start, I was like a candle held in the sun (outside were 5 degrees and it rained slowly). I thought that if I'm not finishing this marathon is not the of the world, if I can continue the track of the semimarathon this is it.
The start was gave, I started the running and I was passed by the most of the competitors, the start was an easy ascending and then more and more pronounced, after  1,5 km my face was already yellow and I barely breathing. I stopped running and I countinued walking... I said to me that I'm turning back.. I looked behind and another participant were still behind me:)) and I said to myself that if I'm not the last I'll go on. I was searching for any preoccupation to help me not to think at the running, I was talking with everyone around me... The descending started and my legs began to fly and I began to recover myself, I overcome the other competitors which earlier made me a "rainy day"...

in fuga mi-am dat seama ca mi-am revenit,nu mai puteam de fericire si parca nu imi venea sa cred,din ce crestea numarul de km prindeam cate-un concurent.Acum pot dovedi ca orele si timpul "pierdut" la antrenamente nu este degeaba.Daca nu era Daniel si Radu garantat nu ajungeam sa alerg vreun maraton.
Iti multumesc Daniel pentru suportul moral si pentru numarul de km stransi alaturi de tine.LA MAI MULTI!!!
Dupa terminarea maratonului nu mai eram in stare de nimic,eram fericit maxim.(MARTORA IMI ESTE SAPCA)

In my way I realized that I was recovered, I was very happy and I couldn't believe it , the number of the km were growing, and I caught some of the competitors one by one. Now I can prove that  the time lost  in training is not in vain. If wasn't for Daniel and Radu , guaranteed I wouldn't have run at any marathon. Thank you Daniel for the moral support and for the large number of km raised with you. TO MORE!!!!
After the marathon I wasn't able to do nothing, I was very happy. (my witness is my cap)


Seara am mers la premiere sa ne aplaudam castigatorii DANIEL STROESCU si TAMAS BOGYA.
Si Aida a urcat pe podium dar inca nu face parte din ORIENTEERING TEAM :p
Duminica dimineata Daniel ne-a convocat la o alergare usoara de revenire,doar 108 minute,15 km cu 600 nivel :P (asta era cinstea lui Daniel ca mi-am revenit ) :)) GPS <<CLICK>>
In Baisoara am uitat pentru 2 zile de vara,acolo am luat hainele de iarna!
Se pare ca Aidei nu i-a priit alergarea de revenire,isi imagina pepene galben,inghetata cu nuci...pe drum spre casa nu a gasit pepene galben si la inlocuit cu banane :))

In the eveningwe went to the awards to applaud our winners DANIEL STROESCU and TAMAS BOGYA.
Aida also climbed on the podium, but is still not part of the ORIENTEERING TEAM :P.
On Saturday morning Daniel called us to a slow recovering jogging, only 108 minutes, 15 km with 600 levels:P ( My recovering was in honor of Daniel):))
In Baisoara I forgot for two days about summer,  there I got the winter clothes!
It seemed like Aida wasn't too happy ith the reconvering running, he imagined melons, icecream with nuts... on the way home he didn't found melon and he replace it with bananas:))

Am plecat trist,m-am intors fericit si cu febra musculara.
Cu totii am reusit sa obtinem rezultate foarte bune.FELICITARI

I left sad, I came back happy and with muscle soreness.
We all have achieved great results. CONGRATULATIONS!

 SUPER FAINA POZA   =)) :)) 
Claudiu Aftimescu  & Adrian Pasol

Asta da primire

vineri, 17 iunie 2011


Dragi orientarişti,

Comisia de Hărţi a FRO a realizat acest album al hărţilor de orientare din România, peste 1000 de hărţi, de concurs şi de antrenament. Desigur că el este incomplet, măcar şi pentru că hărţile mai vechi sunt mai greu de găsit. De aceea rugămintea noastră este să ne sprijiniţi şi dacă aveti hărţi care lipsesc din acest album să ni le trimiteţi, fie fizic d-lui Dan Popescu, la adresa B-dul Aviatorilor, nr.31, sectorul 1, Bucureşti, fie scanate, pe adresa e-mail i_gheuca@yahoo.com. Nu uitaţi că aceste hărţi se supun legii dreptului de autor şi că nu este permisă reproducerea şi folosirea acestora în scop lucrativ fără acordul autorului sau, după caz, al proprietarului hărţii.
Ion Gheuca şi Stelian Dan Popescu

Puteti trimite si pe adresa   adrian_pasol@yahoo.com    pentru a le posta ... 
Tin sa precizez ca aceste harti au fost date da catre domnul Ion Gheuca pentru a le publica.

Mai jos jas veti gasi o serie de linck-uri,fiecare linck este destinat fiecarui judet din Romania.

duminică, 12 iunie 2011

Cupa FLORILOR DE TEI la Potigrafu (sambata 11.06.2011)

Primele impresii pe site-ul domnului Bacs Andrei <<CLICK>>

Un concurs frumos organizat de clubul meu A.C.S. Sanatatea Ploiesti in padurea din Potigrafu.O padure de ses si o harta aparent simpla u foarte multe caroiaje asemanatoare,multe repere care te furau.In aceasta padure am mai avut concursuri dar inca nu m-am acomodat deloc cu aceasta harta...acum ma uit si eu pe variante si nu imi pot da seama cum am fost furat ...
Mai jos puteti vedea variantele si greselile(in posturile 1,8,13 si 16) mele pe care nici eu nu mi le pot explica....greu dar eficient...am parcurs traseul in 74 de minute.cu acest timp am fost la 13 minute de castigator (Tuncu Florin) si m-am clasat pe locul 7.

In start.
 Start la stransul posturilor :D (multumesc domnului Dumitras Dorel pt poze)

duminică, 5 iunie 2011

Din Comarnic prin Bucegi pana in Timisul de Sus.From Bucegi through Comarnic to Timisul de Sus.

Vineri la 17:26 am plecat din Baia Mare catre Comarnic unde ma asteptau Daniel,Radu si Alex.Am sosit in Comarnic sambata dimineata la ora 6,ne-am schimbat si la 6:25 am pornit sa cucerim Varfu Omu.Traseul parcurs a fost:
-Cabana cota 1000
-Varful Paduchiosu
-Piatra Arsa
-Varfu Omu
-Cabana Malaiesti
-Pichetul Rosu
-Trei Brazi
-Poiana Secuilor
-Timisul de Sus.
Traseul a avut 63 km si o diferenta de nivel de 3500.

 Prima partea a traseului (click) The first part of the route (click)

A doua parte a traseului(click)The second part of the route (click)

La pornirea din Comarnic ni s-a mai adaugat un membru,este vorba de o catelusa formidabila,a mers cu noi pana la Trei Brazi...
Pana la Malaesti m-am simtit excelent,la Malaesti am stat 2 minute,cand am plecat am simtit ca ceva nu este in regula...devenisem "mortul viu".Daniel vazundu-ma mi-a dat un Activator care ma refacut instant(multumesc Daniel).Am reinceput alergarea fara nici-o problema a inceput si o ploaie torentiala care ma revigorat,dupa cab Diham iar incepea sa fuga imaginea...pe traseul de catre Trei Brazi am traversat drumul Predeal-Parau Rece si il intrebam pe Radu unde suntem ca pur si simplu nu mai judecam,nu mai recunosteam nimic...De mancat nu puteam,parca aveam un nod in gat care nu ma lasa sa inghit..Dupa Poiana Secuilor a inceput si Radu sa cedeze...si Daniel a luat un avans de noi.A fost formidabil alaturi de Daniel Stroescu si Radu Milea.
Timpul era mai mic daca nu ma lasau pe mine motoarele asa devreme,dar sper ca m-au inteles ca am fost dupa o noapte de mers cu trenu in care nu am dormit 1 ora.
Din Comarnic pana la drumul care urca in Piatra Arsa a fost cu noi si Alex Nimara.Sunt mandru de noi pentru ce am facut si vor urma si altele...

On Friday at 5:26 p.m I went from Baia Mare to Comarnic where Daniel, Radu and Alex were waiting for me. I arrived in Comarnic on Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, we changed our clothes and at 6:25 a.m we started to conquer  Omu Peak. Ther route was:
-Cabana cota 1000
-Varful Paduchiosu
-Piatra Arsa
-Varfu Omu
-Cabana Malaiesti
-Pichetul Rosu
-Trei Brazi
-Poiana Secuilor
-Timisul de Sus.
The route had 63 km and a level difference of 3500.
At the start from Comarnic, another member joined us, I talk about a formidable dog, who joined us until we arrived at Trei Brazi...
Until Malaesti I felt great, there I stayed 2 minutes, when I left I felt that something is going wrong... I have become a "living dead".Daniel saw me and gave me an Activator which rebuilt me. (thanks Daniel). I resumed the running with no problems and then it started a puoring rain which refreshed me, after Cab. Diham the view started to flee from my eyes... On the route to Trei Brazi I crossed the road Predeal- Paraul Rece and I asked Radu where are we because I was out of my mind, I could't recognize anything.... I could't eat, it seemed like I had a lump in the throat which didn't let me swallow... Also, after Poiana Secuilor Radu started to yield and Daniel took advance. With Danieal Stroescu and Radu Milea it was wonderful. I had had less time if my engines didn't stuck so early, but I hope that they understood me. I was there after an overnight train ride on I haven't slept too much, just 1 hour.
From Comarnic to the road that climbs up to Piatra Arsa , Alex Nimara joined us. I'm proud of us for what we did and others will come.

 In dreapta puteti vedea si cainele "maraton".On the right you can see the "marathon" dog.

 Si asa am aratat dupa 63 km.And this is the way I looked after 63 km.

Poze din timpul traseului (click)

Asta a fost sambata(ieri),duminica(azi) am fost la Cozieni unde s-a desfasurat un concurs de orientare sportiva.A fost numai bun pentru o revenire,din cauza oboselii acumulate am preferat sa aleg variantele ocolitoare dar sigure,am preferat sa alerg mai mult dar sa nu gresesc ... si am facut o alegere buna,cu timpul de 59 de minte m-am clasat pe locul 2 dupa Daniel Stroescu.

This was on Saturday (yesterday), on Sunday (today) I was at a competition in Cozieni. It was good for a recovering, because of the accumulated fatigue I preferre to choose the bypasses but safer alternatives, I prefered to run more, but not to go wrong... and I made a good choice , with my time 59 minutes I was ranked on the second place after Daniel Stroescu.

Traseu masurat pe varianta are 7200,eu pe variantele mele am alergat 9450.Harta 1/15.000.

The route measured on the variant has 7200, I ran on my variant 9450. Map 1/15.000.