O surpriza placuta a fost aparitia dl presedinte al F.R.O. Alexandrescu.
Traseul foarte frumos si destul de tehnic pentru o padure verde si cu o vizibilitate redusa ziua...
Duminica a fost organizat un concurs in memoria tuturor orientaristilor trecuti in nefiinta.
Pe traseul de noapte timpul meu a fost de 77 minute iar pe traseul de zi 70 minute.
Cu greseli destul de mari in etapa de noapte cat si in ceea de zi dar un antrenament perfect.
Le multumesc organizatorilor pentru aceste 2 concursuri(C.S. Mentor Silva)
Vreau sa le multumesc tuturor persoanelor care imi citesc postarile mele,mai ales celor care imi apreciaza "munca" si care ma felicita la fiecare concurs.
On Saturday night I attended to the municipar championship in Baneasa forest. A lot of athletes took the start... A pleasant surprise was the appearance of the F.R.O president Mr. Alexandrescu. The route was very nice and quite technical for a green forest and with a low visibility on daytime.
On Sunday was held a competition in memory of all orienteering people who passed away. Along the night route my time was 77 minutes and along the day route my time was 70 minutes. I made big mistakes on both routes, but it was a perfect training. I thank to the organizers for those two competitions ( C.S.Mentor Silva). Also, I want to thank to all those people who read my posts, especially to those who apprreciating my"work" and who are congratulating me at each contest.
Harta zi:
Tot respectul meu pentru tine:)