duminică, 8 mai 2011

EcoMarathon 2011 OBIECTIV INDEPLINIT 5 h 02 m EcoMarathon 2011 TARGET ACHIEVED 5h 02m

O prima experienta trecuta cu bine,in luna februarie imi propusesem sa termin acest maraton in 5h si 30 de minute,ma declar fericit,timpul realizat a fost de 5 ore 1 minut si 59 de secunde.Acest timp putea fi imbunatatit cu cel putin 10 minute...
Harta EcoMarathon.
I passed well the first experience. In February I planned to finish the marathon in 5 h and 30m. I declare myself happy. The time achieved was : 5 hours 1 minute and 59 seconds. This time could have been improved with at least 10 minutes...
Eco Marathon map.
Povestea maratonului...
Ora 9 start.Startul l-am luat alaturi de Pepe si Anca,pana sa trecem raul am "crosetat" sa ajungem cat mai in fata sa trecem repede podetul si sa nu avem parte de-o urcare ingreunata...prima bucla a fost excelenta(81 minute)

Toata aceasta bucla si jumatate din bucla 2 am alergat alaturi de Pepe.Pepe s-a distantat de mine pe drumul care urca spre Cheile Gradistei,pe sfarsitul acestei bucle am simtit o mica incercare a carceilor....pe tura 2 am realizat 1h si 42 de minute...Pe tot parcursul maratonului am avut parte de o superba incurajare marca "SIS TEAM"(va multumesc)Am pornit pe tura 3...dupa prima urcare am fost facut "ko"pentru 10  minute,dupa terminarea urcarii se mergea pe nivel,acolo din alergare am fost "daramat" si nu am mai miscat.Aici am lacrimat de oftica dar vorbeam cu mine si imi spuneam mai sunt doar 13 km,merg in patru labe si nu renunt,stand cumintel si nemiscat,intins pe iarba am fost depasit de catre Daniel si de inca un participant...intr-un final muschii s-au deblocat si am inceput sa merg usurel,fiecare pas il faceam cu frica.

La pas am ajuns la postul de hidratare am baut un pahar cu apa si am inceput sa cobor in alergare usoara,in spatele meu isi face aparitia domnul Daniel Lixandru si mi-a dat doua "minuni"anti carcei.(pe aceasta cale ii mai multumesc inca o data),am terminat coborarea si ma gandeam la ce va urma,urma ultima urcare...pe urcarea catre Gutanu ce credeti???M-a prins ninsoarea,din rucsacul de hidratare am scos "foita" si caciula le-am imbracat si m-am pus pe treaba.De la terminarea urcarii si pana la finish nu am mai luat in seama nimic.Totul a decurs bine...
Cu siguranta timpul putea fi cu mult imbunatatit,la orice ma gandeam ca mi se poate intampla in timpul cursei numai la carcei nu ma gandeam.
Primul maraton din cariera mea sportiva,primul obiectiv indeplinit in 2011.
Despre organizare absolut nimic de comentat. FELICITARI
Felicitari si multumiri fotografilor si spectatorilor!!!  (ma doare ca in sportul meu de baza ORIENTAREA SPORTIVA organizatorii nu se implica sa faca asa ceva....)
Pe parcursul cursei m-am simtit excelent excluzand episodul "carceii".La ora 18 am mers la festivitatea de premiere unde am ascultat un recital live si am aplaudat pe cei care au urcat pe podium.
Dupa terminarea premierei am incins gratarul alaturi de Daniel Stroescu,Ionut Zinca,Radu Milea si Costi Bulgaru.
Duminica am fost invitati da catre echipa EcoMarathon la Dl Mihai Orleanu sa ne bem ceaiul.
The story of the marathon...
9 o'clock the start.I took the start along with Pepe and Anca, until to pass the river we "crocheted" to get as far forward for quickly pass the bridge and not to have a tough climb. The first loop was excellent (81 minutes), during this loop and half of loop 2 I ran with Pepe. Pepe distanced himself from me on the road that goes to Cheile Gradistei, at the end of this loop I felt a small attempt of some muscle cramps. On lap 2 I made 1 h and 42 minutes.Throughout the marathon I had a great encouraging, brand "SIS TEAM" (Thank you!).
I started on lap 3... after the first climb I was "KO" for 10 minutes, after wich it went on level, there I was "pulled down" from running and I wasn't moving. Here, I cried because of the fury, but I was talking with myself and I told me that there are only 13 km left, I ran on my knees and I'm not giving up, stand quietly and stilled lying on the grass, I was exceeded by Daniel and by another participant...Finaly , the muscles have been released  and I started to walk slowly , I took every step with fear. I got at the hydration station on foot pace, I drank a glass of water and I started running down slowly, behind me Mr. Daniel Lixandru made an appearance and gave to me two "miracles" anti- muscle cramps.( On this path I think him again), I finished the descent and I was thinking about what comes next. It followed the last climbing...when I was climbing to Gutanu, giess what??? It started to snow. From my hydration backpack I taken "the foil" and the hat I dressed  and got back to work. From the end of the climbing to the finish I haven't got anything in my mind. Everything went well... Definitely , the time could be more improved, I thought that anything could happen to me on the route, except the muscle cramps. I was my first marathon from my sportive career, my first target achieved in 2011. I have absolutely nothing to say about the organization CONGRATULATIONS. Congratulations and thanks to photographers and spectators! (what hurts me the most is that in my basic sport, orienteering, the organizers are not involving to do something like this). During the route I felt great, excluding the "muscle cramps" episode. At 18 o'clock we went to the award ceremony where we listened a live concert and we applaud those who have climbed on the podium.
After the premiere I went to make a barbecue with Daniel Stroescu, Ionut Zinca, Radu Milea and Costi Bulgaru.
Sunday, we were invited by the EcoMarathon's team at Mr. Mihai Orleanu to drink a tea.
Congratulations to everyone who contributed at the organization of this event.


REZULTATE EcoMarathon 2011 <<CLICK>>




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