Doua zile in Cluj,doua etape interesante.Caldura,discutii si fuga.
Prefer sa nu comentez absolut nimic despre acest concurs...
In aceste etape am reusit sa nu mai bramburesc asa mult,sper din ce in ce sa gresesc mai putin.La acest capitol am inceput sa lucrez....De la Cluj am pornit catre Baia Mare unde voi sta pana vineri,ma voi antrena alaturi de gazda Gabi Sabou si compania.In plan am 2 antrenamente pe zi,unul de harta si unul de fuga.Din B.Mare voi merge in Comarnic.Acolo ma voi intalni cu Daniel Stroescu si Radu Milea sa pregatim urmatoarele competitii.
Two days in Cluj, two interesting stages, heat, talks and running.
I prefer not to comment anything about this contest...
In this stages I didn't lost so much time, I hope not to do more mistakes. I'm working at this chapter. From Cluj I went to Baia Mare where I'll stay until Friday. I will train with my host Gabi Sabou and the "company".On plan I have 2 trainings, a map one and a run one. From Baia Mare I'll go in Comarnic. There I will meet Daniel Stroescu and Radu Milea to prepare the next competitions.
Stage 1 map:
Harta et 1:
Harta et 2:
(treseu avand 10,20 alergat 15,40 km variante + greseli)
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