Dupa 2 concursuri de orientare sportiva(miercuri si joi) am plecat direct la Mures-Olt Marathon...Vineri dimineata am plecat cu Simi,Zozo si Marius Curca la marcarea traseului de maraton si cros...
Sambata la ora 9 a fost dat startul,pana la km 19 totul a decurs super,de acolo a aparut o problema(lipsea o portiune de marcaj) si am inceput sa bramburesc impreuna cu Daniel,surpriza era ca ne-am intalnit cu inca 4 concurenti care erau inaintea noastra...Am reusit sa ne apropiem de postul 3 de hidratare,am dat la aproximativ 900 de metri mai sus,toti cei care eram ne-am intors in postul 3...UNII NU AU MAI FACUT ACEST EFORT....O INTREBARE,CASTIGATORUL DE LA CATEGORIA 18-29 SE SIMTE BINE???A luat locul 1 netrecad prin postul 3,inteleg ca au fost probleme dar eu m-am intors el nu putea???
Din varful Piatra Singuratica din nou a aparut o eroare si am ajuns in orasul Balan...
In total am contorizat 48,100 M ...
Timpul meu cu care m-am clasat pe locul 2 a fost de 6 ore 22 minute,avand 2 mari greseli pe parcursul traseului.
Locul 2 M 18-29 si locul 8 general.
Traseul este foarte frumos,la anul vreau sa-l alerg si sa scot un timp mai mic cu cel putin o ora.
Felicitari Daniel Stroescu pentru cursa si locul obtinut,felicitaru si lui Alex Nimara.
Felicitari organizatorilor.
In zilele urmatoare voi scrie un articol mai detaliat.
After two orienteering contests (Wednesday and Thursday), I went directly to the Mures- Olt Marathon. On Friday morning I went with Simi, Zozo and Marius Curca to mark the marathon and cross routes. Saturday at 9 o'clock it was the start, until km 19 everything went great, from there a problem occured (a portion of mark was missing) and I started to go helter-skelter with Daniel. The surprise was that we met with another 4 competitors who where in front of us... We managed to get close to the hydration post number 3, we went further for about 900 meters and then we returned at the post 3... SOME OF US HAVE NOT DONE THIS EFFORT... A QUESTION: THE 18-19 CATEGORY WINNER IS FEELING ALRIGHT? He took the 1st place without passing through the post number 3. I understand that there were problems but I was back, he couldn't done the same?
From the top of Piatra Singuratica, a problem occured again and we arrived in Balan town...
In total I counted 48, 100 M.
My time, with I came in the 2nd place, was 6 hours and 22 minutes, with two big mistakes over the route.
At M18-29 2nd place and 8th place overall.
The route was very beautiful, next year I want to run there and to get a less time at least with an hour.
Congratulation to Daniel Stroescu for the race and for the place obtained, and congratulations to Alex Nimara, too.
Congratulations to the organizers.
In the next days I will write an article more detailed.
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